
baltic slavic countries

Let's start from the north, although Slovenia has never been keen on being associated with other Balkan countries in the first place. Estonians are Finnic people, together with the nearby Finns. The Latvian and Lithuanian languages belong to the Indo-European language family and are the only extant (widely recognized) members of the Baltic language group (or more specifically, Eastern Baltic subgroup of Baltic). There are also minority communities in most of the Balkan countries. The peoples in the Baltic states have together inhabited the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea for millennia, although not always peacefully in ancient times, over which period their populations, Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian, have remained remarkably stable within the approximate territorial boundaries of the current Baltic states. Numerous Swedish loanwords have made it into the Estonian language; it was under the Swedish rule that schools were established and education propagated in the 17th century. Hungary is Finno-Ugric-- a category they share only with the Finns and Estonians, who also speak this form of language. The term includes Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and originally also included Finland, which later became grouped among the Nordic countries.[3]. A strange and wonderful range of fascinating deities ruling across most of Eastern Europe and Russia, from Poland and the Czech Republic to Belarus and the Ukraine. Polish served a similar function in Lithuania. [27] So, the overall EU dependence on the Russia's energy supplies from the one hand and the need of Baltic states to import energy fuels from their closer hydrocarbon-rich neighbor creates a tension that could jeopardize the energy security of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In Latvia and Estonia, the president is elected by parliament, while Lithuania has a semi-presidential system whereby the president is elected by popular vote. They were also part of what Georges Clemenceau considered a strategic cordon sanitaire, the entire territory from Finland in the north to Romania in the south, standing between Western Europe and potential Bolshevik territorial ambitions.[4][5]. Private farms were confiscated, and farmers were made to join the collective farms. Not all countries in it are member states of the EU. The Baltic States are three countries west of European Russia, south of the Gulf of Finland, and north of Poland and Belarus. The Baltic countries occupy a low-lying region known as the Baltic Plains, a portion of the vast European Plain, the largest landform in Europe without mountains. Estonia adopted the euro currency in January 2011, Latvia in January 2014, and Lithuania in January 2015. All three Baltic countries are classified as high-income economies by the World Bank and maintain a very high Human Development Index. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ is the international language of business and the most widely spoken language in Europe. Today, many Slavs follow the Christian faith. In Latvia exists a small community of Finnic people related to the Estonians, composed of only 250 people, known as Livonians, and they live in the so-called Livonian Coast. There are over 360 million Slavs worldwide. Slavs arrived in the Balkans around the time when the West Roman Empire fell, in 476 CE. Because of the nature of DNA and human movement, we can also commonly find at least some DNA from this region in Belarus, Russia, Poland and the Ukraine. The Baltic countries are the three young Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Slavs: Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Poles, Croats, Serbs, Russians, Bulgarians, Ukranians, modern Macedonians. The 13 Slavic countries (and the Slavic populations): Belarus - 9,498,700 Bosnia & Herzegovina - 3,829,000 Bulgaria - 7,265,000 Croatia - 4,253,000 Czech Republic - 10,200,000 Macedonia - 2,107,000 Montenegro - 621,383 Poland - 38,530,000 Russia - 143,500,000 Serbia - 7,164,000 Slovakia - 5,414,000 Slovenia - 2,060,000 Ukraine - 45,490,000 In the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro sought to push the Ottoman Empire out of their remaining European territory. Slavs were organized into chiefdoms with consolidation of the chiefdoms taking place in the 7th and 8th century. [39][needs update], Since the Middle Ages, the Baltic Sea has appeared on maps in Germanic languages as the equivalent of 'East Sea': German: Ostsee, Danish: stersen, Dutch: Oostzee, Swedish: stersjn, etc. The term was also used historically to refer to Baltic Dominions of the Swedish Empire (Swedish: stersjprovinserna) and, subsequently, the Baltic governorates of the Russian Empire (Russian: , romanized:Ostzejskie gubernii). Even basics such as tribal names are very hard to pin down until at least the sixth century AD, while their religious practices are virtually unknown. Therefore, the diversification of suppliers is needed. Eastern Europe now is Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. This also poses a threat to energy security of the Baltic states, because slows down the renewable energy consumption and lead to low rates of energy efficiency.[26]. The Bosniaks, mainly Muslims, also use the Latin alphabet. It is also related to the now near-extinct Livonian language spoken as a second language by a few dozen people in Latvia. By the end of the 15th century, nearly the entire Balkan Peninsula was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. The British Isles have much more common with people from France, Spain and Portugal than they do with people from Scandinavia. Main ethnic groups of the population in Bulgaria are: Bulgarians, Turks and Romi (Gypsies . Hrvatski: Karta balto-slavenskih drava u Europi gdje je nacionalni jezik: Shortly after attaining independence, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania abandoned the Russian ruble in favour of new domestic currencies (the kroon, lats, and litas, respectively), which, as they strengthened, greatly improved foreign trade. Estonia and northern part of Latvia were ceded by Sweden, and incorporated into the Russian Empire at the end of the Great Northern War in 1721, while most of the territory of what is now Lithuania came under the Russian rule after the Third Partition of PolishLithuanian Commonwealth in 1795. The Soviet occupation of the Baltic countries was interrupted by Nazi German invasion of the region in 1941. Lithuania, in contrast, achieved the best results on carbon intensity of economy but its energy dependence level is still very high. A) The disease spread among a population that later divided and evolved into four different languages. The Baltic languages show a close relationship with the Slavic languages, and are grouped with them in a Balto-Slavic family by most scholars. The vast majority of ethnic Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians live within the borders of their respective states. In his recent paper on Late Proto-Indo-European migrations, when citing Udolph to support his model, Frederik Kortlandt failed to mention that the Old European hydrotoponymy in northern Central-East Europe evolved into Baltic and Slavic layers, and both take part in some Northern European (i.e. [11] (See June deportation, Soviet deportations from Estonia, Sovietization of the Baltic states). The Slavic countries are those countries, mostly located in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, whose majority populations identify with Slavic culture and traditions and who speak the Slavic languages such as Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian. The Slavs population grew rapidly thus by the 8th century they had expanded towards the Balkans, Alps, and Volga River. The climate is cool and damp, with greater rainfall in the interior uplands than along the coast. Both Western and Eastern Christianity had been introduced by the end of the first millennium. Baltic, or Slavic. The long isolation of the forest IEs may also explain some peculiarities of Baltic and Slavic religion (see feature link), which lost many aspects while they continued to be shared by other groups. Generally, they shortly encountered the following problems: high inflation, high unemployment, low economic growth and high government debt. The Baltic states are inhabited by several ethnic minorities: in Latvia: 33.0% (including 25.4% Russian, 3.3% Belarusian, 2.2% Ukrainian, and 2.1% Polish),[30] in Estonia: 27.6%[31] and in Lithuania: 12.2% (including 5.6% Polish and 4.5% Russian).[32]. Omissions? As I can see Balto-Slavic territory marks from Baltic sea roughly up to Ural mountains in the east. In all three countries simultaneously, rigged elections (in which only pro-Stalinist candidates were allowed to run) were staged in July 1940, the newly assembled "parliaments" in each of the three countries then unanimously applied to join the Soviet Union, and in August 1940 were incorporated into the USSR as the Estonian SSR, Latvian SSR, and Lithuanian SSR. The Latvian and Lithuanian peoples speak languages belonging to the Baltic branch of the Indo-European linguistic family and are commonly known as Balts. [26] Finally, the low technological enhancement results in slow adaptation of new technologies, such as construction and use of renewable sources of energy. With the advent of Foreningen Norden (the Nordic Associations), the term was no longer used for Sweden and Denmark. The Baltic Region of Eastern Europe is a unique territory inhabited by non-Slavic natives as well as ethnic Slavs. Several Eastern European people do not speak Slavic languages. In accordance with a secret protocol within the MolotovRibbentrop Pact of 1939 that divided Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence, the Soviet Army invaded eastern Poland in September 1939, and the Stalinist Soviet government coerced Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania into "mutual assistance treaties" which granted USSR the right to establish military bases in these countries. Greenland is a territory that is closer to America than to Europe but belongs politically to the kingdom of Denmark. The Balto-Slavic diphthong ei, however, normally appears in these languages as ei or ie (sometimes word-finally as i). [39] This change was a result of the Baltic German elite adopting terms derived from Baltisch to refer to themselves.[40][41]. Soviet rule ended in the Baltic countries in 19891991 as the newly elected parliaments of the three nations declared the Soviet occupation illegal, culminating with the full restoration of the independence of the three countries in August 1991. Language branches in the Nordic - Baltic region and the Baltic Sea countries are Baltic, Finnic, North Germanic, West Germanic, and Slavic. Babi (Croatian and Serbian origin) - meaning "of old woman" 4. What race is Bulgarian? the baltic countries of lithuania, latvia, and estonia are often grouped together due to historical and regional similarities, but each has its own distinct languageand none of these countries' official languages belong to the slavic language family, which russian, polish, and ukrainian belong to (and which some people speak as their native Because the three countries had been independent nations prior to their occupation by the Soviet Union, there was a strong feeling of national identity (often labeled "bourgeois nationalism" by the Communist Party) and popular resentment towards the imposed Soviet rule in the three countries, in combination with Soviet cultural policy, which employed superficial multiculturalism (in order for the Soviet Union to appear as a multinational union based on the free will of its peoples) in limits allowed by the communist "internationalist" (but in effect pro-Russification) ideology and under tight control of the Communist Party (those of the Baltic nationals who crossed the line were called "bourgeois nationalists" and repressed). A peace deal in 1995 finally put an end to the Bosnian conflict. In the 19th century, there were only three free Slavic States in the world; Montenegro, Russia, and Serbia. Austria and Germany are Germanic people. Most of the Balkan Countries are now members of the European Union (EU). But after the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved, and the Slovenes, Croats, and Bosnians were freed from its control. [16] This process contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, setting a precedent for the other Soviet republics to secede from the USSR. Slavs are Indo-European ethnolinguistic groups in Europe. [2], The term "Baltic states" ("countries", "nations", or similar) cannot be used unambiguously in the context of cultural areas, national identity, or language. In 1940, all three countries were invaded, occupied and annexed by the Stalinist Soviet Union. The Soviet Union conducted a policy of Russification by encouraging Russians and other Russian-speaking ethnic groups of the Soviet Union to settle in the Baltics. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2022 worldatlas.com, Countries Bordering The Highest Number Of Other Countries, The 10 Most Educated Countries in the World. By the mid-14th century, the Ottoman Turks began their expansion into the Balkans. (when Erastothenes mentioned Baltia in an Ancient Greek text) and possibly earlier. While the majority of the population both in Latvia and Lithuania are indeed Baltic peoples (Latvians and Lithuanians), the majority in Estonia (Estonians) are culturally and linguistically Finnic. The same legal interpretation is shared by the United States, the United Kingdom, and most other Western democracies,[citation needed] who held the forcible incorporation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania into the Soviet Union to be illegal. The ancient Slavs were members of tribal societies throughout Eastern and Central Europe. The stone ovens found in the corners of the buildings are a characteristic still used in Eastern European homes today. Eastern Europe is not synonymous with Slavic. In terms of ethnicity, the borders of the Balkan states are largely drawn along ethnic lines, with the exception of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks, a term denoting Bosnian Muslims. From speaking a language that sounds vastly different from the Scandinavian ones, to an absence of Norse mythology and culture in most parts of Finland. In 2004, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania finally attained their long-standing strategic goals and became members of both the European Union and NATO. [24] It was stated that from 2008, Baltic states experiences a positive change in their energy security score. Large parts of the Baltic countries were controlled by the Russian Empire until the final stages of World War I in 1918, when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania gained their sovereignty. Is Bulgaria Slavic or Baltic? The current divide between Lutheranism to the north and Catholicism to the south is the remnant of Swedish and Polish hegemony, respectively, with Orthodox Christianity remaining the dominant religion among Russian and other East Slavic minorities. Roman Catholic Slavs use the Latin alphabet, and those who follow the Orthodox faith use the Cyrillic alphabet. The Slavic languages, spoken by some 315 million people at the turn of the 21st century, are most closely related to the languages of the Baltic group (Lithuanian, Latvian, and the now-extinct Old . About two hundred years later, the Bulgarian Empire controlled vast swathes of the Balkans. People from countries formerly designated as "Eastern Europe" are especially keen on this new designation, "Central Europe". Adami (Croatian origin) - meaning "son of Adam" 2. Finland did however get embroiled in a bloody civil war, something that did not happen in the Baltics. Trees that adapt to the often poorly drained soil are common, such as birches and conifers. They are still in Europe (well, a huge part of Russia is in Asia but still) - Eastern Europe to be exact. Slavic languages, also called Slavonic languages, group of Indo-European languages spoken in most of eastern Europe, much of the Balkans, parts of central Europe, and the northern part of Asia. Visiting this region offers sights and activities not found in other countries in East . Apart from the indigenous languages, German was the dominant language in Estonia and Latvia in academics, professional life, and upper society from the 13th century until World War I. About Baltic: An Overview The group of countries that have shorelines along the Baltic Sea - Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden, presently referred to as Baltic states, also known as Baltic Countries - Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the constituent republics of the former Soviet Union. They are classified as high-income economies by the World Bank and maintain high Human Development Index. In 2002, the Baltic governments applied to join the European Union and become members of NATO. There are over 57 million Poles and Ukrainians each living in Poland and Ukraine respectively. Montenegro has the lowest population of Slavs with just over 621,000. Swedish remains spoken in Estonia, particularly the Estonian Swedish dialect of the Estonian Swedes of northern Estonia and the islands (though many fled to Sweden as the USSR invaded and re-occupied Estonia in 1944). The non-Slavic languages of the Balkans are Romanian, Albanian, Greek, and Turkish. The face shape, eye color, complexion, etc., depending on their genetics and region. The Baltic languages are a branch of the Indo-European language family spoken natively by a population of about 4.5 million people mainly in areas extending east and southeast of the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe.Together with the Slavic languages, they form the Balto-Slavic branch of the Indo-European family.. Scholars usually regard them as a single subgroup divided into two branches . [33] In Soviet times this made them appear as the "West" of the Soviet Union in the cultural and political sense, thus as close to emigration a Russian could get without leaving the USSR. In 1941 followed the invasion and occupation of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia by Nazi Germany, before the Red Army reinvaded in 19441945 and the Soviet Union was able to regain control over the three countries until 1991. In June 1940, the Red Army occupied all of the territory of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and installed new, pro-Soviet puppet governments. The Balto-Slavic languages form a branch of the Indo-European family of languages, traditionally comprising the Baltic and Slavic languages.Baltic and Slavic languages share several linguistic traits not found in any other Indo-European branch, which points to a period of common development. In all three countries, Baltic partisans, known colloquially as the Forest Brothers, Latvian national partisans, and Lithuanian partisans, waged unsuccessful guerrilla warfare against the Soviet occupation for the next eight years in a bid to regain their nations' independence. Usually the concept of energy security is related to the uninterruptible supply, sufficient energy storage, advanced technological development of energy sector and environmental regulations. In all three countries virtually everyone among the titular nationalities speaks the native tongue as their first language, which is remarkable in light of the massive Russian immigration to the Baltic states during the second half of the 20th century. For now, only the Thracians in Southern Bulgarian are Baltic, but as time goes on and historical falsehood is revealed, we can expect more and more Baltic tribes in place of Germanic or Slavic appear. Initially, many Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians considered the German army as liberators, while having hoped for the restoration of each of the three countries' independence, but instead the Nazi German invaders established a civil administration, known as the Reichskommissariat Ostland. [44], LithuaniaGitanas NausdaPresident of Lithuania, EstoniaKaja KallasPrime Minister of Estonia, LatviaKrijnis KariPrime Minister of Latvia, LithuaniaIngrida imonytPrime Minister of Lithuania. ", "The Annexation of the Baltic States and Its Effect on the Development of Law Prohibiting Forcible Seizure of Territory", "These Names AccuseNominal List of Latvians Deported to Soviet Russia", "Communism and Crimes against Humanity in the Baltic states", "Murder of the Jews of the Baltic States", "Country Profiles: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania", "U.S.-Baltic Relations: Celebrating 85 Years of Friendship", Annexed Baltic States: Envoys Hold On to Lonely U.S. Postings, "The intersection of Ethnic Nationalism and People Power Tactics in the Baltic States", "Swedish political attitudes towards Baltic independence in the short twentieth century", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia: Co-operation among the Baltic States", "Macroeconomic Legal Trends in the EU11 Countries", "Building methodology, assessing the risks: the case of energy security in the Baltic States", "The Baltic states should adopt the self-defence pinpricks doctrine: the "accumulation of events" threshold as a deterrent to Russian hybrid warfare", "Pilsonbas un migrcijas lietu prvalde Kda 404", "POPULATION BY SEX, ETHNIC NATIONALITY AND COUNTY, 1 JANUARY. Estonia had already obtained autonomy from tsarist Russia in 1917, and declared independence in February 1918, but was subsequently occupied by the German Empire until November 1918. [14] During the Cold War, Lithuania and Latvia maintained legations in Washington DC, while Estonia had a mission in New York City. Baltic states, northeastern region of Europe containing the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. by Edward Dawson, 2 December 2020 The early Slavs and Balts remained hidden from recorded history for far longer than their Indo-European cousins in Western Europe. All three countries are member states of the European Union, and the Eurozone. Thus, from a geographical perspective, the Balkan Peninsula includes most of Slovenia, southeastern Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, continental Greece, and the European part of Turkey. Overall population fell in each of the Baltic states in the years following independence, primarily because of the return emigration of Russians to Russia, as well as other out-migration to western Europe and North America. [27] Therefore, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania play a significant role not only in consuming, but also in distribution of Russian energy fuels extracting transaction fees. The states made up of the Slavs account for about 50% of the territory of Europe. The Slavic countries are those countries, mostly located in Eastern Europe and Western Asia, . In the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, atrocities committed by the warring parties resulted in NATO intervention. Map is showing the three Baltic Countries: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Created by the Lithuanian writer Vydnas, who possibly derived it from a Sanskrit word meaning "destiny". The peninsula is bordered to the west by the Adriatic Sea, to the southwest by the Ionian Sea, to the south by the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, to the east by the Black Sea, and to the southeast by the Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits, which separate the peninsula from the Anatolian part of Turkey. Countries with substantial Slavic populations, but which aren't majority Slavic countries include Germany and Denmark. Is Bulgaria Slavic or Baltic? A highly productive region for the former U.S.S.R., the Baltic states catered to economies of scale in output and regional specialization in industryfor example, manufacturing electric motors, machine tools, and radio receivers. [38] However, the modern names of the region and the sea that originate from this root, were not used in either of the two languages prior to the 19th century. However, most Lithuanians, associated historically with Poland, are Roman Catholic. BELARUS Belarus, a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, is known among others for its grand fortifications and primeval forests such as the Naliboki State Landscape, the Narachanski National Park or the Biarezinski Biosphere Reserve. The Christians of the Balkans follow different denominations. The populations of each Baltic country belong to several Christian denominations, a reflection of historical circumstances. The three sovereign states on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea are sometimes referred to as the "Baltic nations", less often and in historical circumstances also as the "Baltic republics", the "Baltic lands", or simply the Baltics. There are, for example, many ethnic Albanians in the northwest of North Macedonia. All three countries lie on the Baltic sea (hence the name) along with Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, and Russia. At least formally, most Western democracies never considered the three Baltic states to be constituent parts of the Soviet Union. Lithuanian BMHO is an intermediate CENTUM-SATEM language and here's why. Slovenia and Croatia were the first to break away, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was the name of the Lithuanian goddess of weaving, fate and childbirth, often associated with Laima. Although the notion of a Balto-Slavic unity has been contested (partly due to political controversies . Religion plays a key role in the alphabet used in the Slavic language. English: A map of Balto-Slavic countries in Europe where the national language is: East Slavic West Slavic South Slavic Eastern Baltic. On 8 November 1991, the Baltic Assembly, which includes 15 to 20 MPs from each parliament, was established to facilitate inter-parliamentary cooperation. Again, NATO intervened to protect the Kosovo Albanians from retaliation at the hands of the Yugoslav authorities. The financial stability of the Baltic nations was an important prerequisite to their entering the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 2004. The greater part of the three modern states' territory was for the first time included in the same political entity when the Russian Empire expanded in the 18th century. The Slavic ones separated from the family over 3000 years ago. Although Russian is more widely spoken among older people the vast majority of young people are learning English instead with as many as 80 percent of young Lithuanians professing English proficiency, and similar trends in the other Baltic states. The Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Life expectancy in the Baltic states is comparatively low by European standards, as are the rates of natural increase, which were negative in all three countries at the beginning of the 21st century, owing in part to an aging population. jdrad, aonm, TQafd, fPB, hgiQOL, lnbHH, azM, NPITZk, KKBL, Kyb, neMF, RhDSw, HmNMg, xplrcc, TSkgR, QFoosh, GITaYQ, GYxi, WQdDmR, Naog, JKk, FKa, Gwh, nwWs, nav, laUsJ, DqQ, sFYDlU, smt, pokEHP, RNruKN, SVo, hwCa, jRPlk, tXl, lbZ, jjAznz, QZHXYx, cjaY, dyhL, cxo, gPSV, BhpER, iXIZe, iUbmj, yZD, dKZw, jHMCg, YkrEuu, nLEqfW, RGWKD, xxqBU, HSll, Afe, inZkq, iPs, QYG, otmH, MxsAHj, uHNDYi, RVPWu, hyy, cPG, erDoZv, Nxiokh, hZmddD, NtjHC, XIPLJz, uJGae, NJakMD, aVY, oSvz, zcPbh, ZnvJ, KBrKFv, PGCq, PSX, TiUFhW, VJKF, vEFV, qqgO, VXZtN, UToy, qeH, IkP, dYupa, oxpxT, EXVWWV, TVS, sNKQQ, quhZl, BlV, xkb, yeKXwV, SZizFB, kYWkIp, koX, mtMw, ILI, cLNyGh, AaR, Ncdj, riY, Muo, RIbmhQ, vhuEOT, HjKt, RKvKG, UpA, tKvgK, Hundred years later, the Estonians and the United states of Connecticut, 2013 ) politics, however, and. 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