
amhara genocide in ethiopia

[92] Similarly, the Shashemene massacre in, The Burayu and Shashemene massacres, demonstrated another religious motive. thousands of Amharas were killed in the latest massacre of the ongoing Amhara Genocide in the Oromia Region. The Ethiopia-Tigray peace agreement is a peace treaty signed between the government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) on 2 November 2022, where both parties agreed to a "permanent cessation of hostilities" to end the Tigray War. However, the regime collapsed in 2018 with a year-long mass protests, a series of unrests, and election- and administration-related tensions built during its period. It is not allowed to protest against all sorts of gross human rights violations upon the Amhara. So today those people who claim to be Oromos 90% of them have no Galla heritage, they are descendants of the enslaved non Galla (Oromo) tribes (Reyot panel discussion, 2020) . If he releases Jawar and Bekele Gerba through political negotiation, then it will further embolden the qero and the other enemies of the state and a lot of civilians will die due to the continuing genocide and ethnic cleansing. Therefore, they remain at risk of silent atrocities and possible cultural genocide. Some of the actions include the enforcement of new policies and systematic administrative changes to Addis Ababa and its surrounding jurisdictions. The Prime Minister has also recently said that Ethiopia was facing an enemy that he likened to an invasive weed or cancer. The Mai Kadra massacre was a massacre carried out during the Tigray War. [280] Most of the Gimbi Amhara have been taken to Wollega through government resettlement programs in the 1980s when drought hit Bethe-Amhara Wollo in the Amhara region. His throne name was Alam Sagad (Geez: ). However, for example Pol Pots Khmer Rouges killings were against ethnic and religious groups as well as the Khmers themselves. The falls are 42 metres (138 ft) high,[1] consisting of four streams that originally varied from a trickle in the dry season to over 400 meters wide in the rainy season. The false progressive Ethiopian anti-nationalists of modernity have been for decades constructing and propagating an anti-Amhara political narrative, and proponing that no Ethiopian unity and peace can be envisioned without the defamation, humiliation, socio-political exclusion and persecution of Amharas, attempting to cleverly legitimize a hateful and dangerous agenda in the name of unity and equality. [133][134] Due to these mass killings, Christian religious leaders were abused and killed, churches turned to ashes, and treasures and literary works were destroyed. | Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali addressed the Ethiopian parliament on June 14, 2022, just four days before the waves of the Amhara massacres in various zones and villages in Wollega, the Oromia region. The use of the governance structure to eliminate Amharas was one of the key strategies in the architecture of amhara genocide. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. As a people, Oromos would be productive and prosperous, with freely flowing water, freshly flowering plants, and smiling people. Rates of disenfranchisement were higher in those areas with large non-Russian populations. The majority of the armed groups mobilize from region to region with alleged collaboration with local government officials, and are from these groups:[20][66]. It is one of. One way or the other Abiy cannot escape the respondeat superior conviction, because everything happened under his government, ideology and by his party comrades. Bahrey was both a historian and an ethnographer who is best known for his 1593 work The History of the Galla. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! If Amhara Community getting stronger, United Democratic Ethiopia will exist forever, ? The attacks included door-to-door mass executions in Ataye, Shewarobit, Jewuha, Senbete, Majete, Molale, and the surrounding villages. In a situation that seems senseless, nationalism seems to provide an explanation for what is happening and a program for collective survival. They came and occupied Ethiopian provinces through mass genocides in the 16th century following the invasion of Ahmed Gragn. IDPs and survivors in Debre Berhan, Shewa Robit, Mahale Meda, and other areas expressed fear for their security for returning to their homes. The Blue Nile Falls is a waterfall on the Blue Nile river in Ethiopia. [37][38], The systematic murder of Amhara elites, including internationally renowned diplomats, began in 1975 following the rise of the Dergue;[39] however, the mass violence against ordinary Amhara, its intellectuals, and civic leaders would not commence until 1990, with the armed Liberation Front groups occupying many parts of the country. Written in Geez, it told of the history of the Oromo and their 16th-century migration into what is now central and western Ethiopia. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch's report concludes that new administrators in the Western Tigray zone, as well as regional officials and security forces from Ethiopia's Amhara region, are responsible for a campaign of ethnic cleansing, carried out through crimes against humanity and war crimes, targeting Tigrayan civilians in Western Tigray since the war began in . At the level of society, ethnic cleansing, once it has been started, tends to self-perpetuate. One of the 2022 deadliest massacres of the Amhara occurred on 18 June in the place named Tole and neighboring villages, in Gimbi Wollega of the Oromia region. ATTESTATIONS OF THE AMHARA GENOCIDE AND ETHNIC 16 committed such horrendous crimes, Ethiopia will be going into a prolonged civil war in the near future. Thousands of Ethnic Amhara have been massacred in different parts Oromo region of Ethiopia since then. [263][264] In some cases, international reports with unverified information were released. At the other extreme, ethnic cleansing and genocide are distinguishable only by the ultimate intent. [290][291][292] However, due to the scale and frequency of the attacks, progress has been observed in the number of reports. The highest mountain peak in Ethiopia found in Amhara land known as Ras Dashen mountain at an elevation of 4620 meters above sea level. An . By connecting identifiable geography from this map to historical place names, we have begun to discover lost, medieval cities in Ethiopia. Responsibility was attributed to Tigrayan youths and forces loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front in the EHRC-OHCHR Tigray Investigation . Now, its our turn and our generation must take a lead and be responsible for whats happening. KENYA: Three reasons ethnicity will count for less in Kenyas upcoming SOMALIA: Russia Pledged To Help African Countries Finally Complete The Process ETHIOPIA: The Western InfoWar On Mali Rebrands Terrorists As Simply Being Ethiopia: Russias Renewed Interests in the Horn of Africa: Interview, Somaliland VP Saylici tests positive for COVID-19, Ethiopian diplomat Berhane Kidanemariam resigns, Operations To Restore Law And Order In Ethiopias Tigray Region, Ethiopia: Prof. Mohamed Hassan, Horn of Africa and Beyond (Interview). Reports showed that mass killings of the Amhara started in the Assosa zone of the Benishangul-Gumuz & Metekel region in 1990. Although the Amhara and Agew massacres have been going on for over thirty years, many expressed that the case has not received adequate campaign and media coverage. With final victory Oromia as a nation would be powerful, its rule uncontested, its domination feared. [40][41] At the end of the 17-year communist era in 1991, the ethno-nationalist groups controlled full power. Ethnic cleansing and mass murders were carried out on 9-10 November 2020 in the town of Mai Kadra in the Tigray Region of northwestern Ethiopia, near the Sudanese border. [285][286]The violence claimed at least 17 civilian lives and many injured and hundreds displaced, along with a siege that led to property damages, including the burning of residential homes. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced. Other locally produced beverages are tella(beer) and tej(honey wine), which are served and drunk on major religious festivals, Saints Days and weddings. Not all the settlements are named on the map as the monks designed it. Furthermore, protests have taken place inside Ethiopia condemning theAmhara Genocide; Students ofWoldia University marched inside the university campus against the attacks against the Amhara people. Motives of the perpetrators vary from location to location ethnic origin, religious origin, or both. [217][20][218] In most of the violence, ethnic Amhara have been separated from other groups and executed both Muslims and Christians were murdered and buried together against their religious practices. [ P326-329]. In April 2021 a series of demonstrations were held in the Amhara region with a lead slogan, Beka or or NoMore, asking government officials for protective measures for the waves of Amhara massacres that occurred in many locations. Several protests were held in various countries in theworld in support of the Amhara people against the injustice situation they are facing as people raised the Ethiopian national flags and carried out banners reading: "Stop State-sponsored Genocide of Amhara people in Ethiopia and The Ethiopian gov has the blood of innocent Amharas on its hands". Once Again Dozens Dead, Hundreds Displaced", "Ethiopia Peace Observatory Weekly: 9 - 15 July 2022 [EN/AM]", "Risk of Genocide and other Mass Atrocities in Ethiopia", "Calgarians hold rally for Amhara people of Ethiopia Calgary", "Tens of thousands protest in Ethiopia's Amhara State", "Human Rights Council Hears from 21 Dignitaries as it Continues High-Level Segment, with Speakers Condemning Russia's Military Aggression against Ukraine", "The top 10 crises the world can't ignore in 2022", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amhara_genocide&oldid=1120405483. [125] In addition, the polarizing and open remarks made at a large Oromo public gathering by the Oromia President, Mr. Shimelis Abdissa heavily criticized. They migrated from the lower east coast of Africa upwards north and resided in the current Mombasa area and sprung from there. In 1529, the Adal Sultanate attempted to conquer Abyssinia and met initial success; the Adal were supplied by the Ottomans while Abyssinia received Portuguese reinforcements. However, the amharas were and still are hunted in Benshangul-Gumuz, Tigray, Wolkait-Tegede, Raya, North shoa, Sidamo, Bench-maji, Somali, and the outskirts of Addis Ababa. . It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. Welcome to Amhara House. At the beginning of the war, the Tigray Samri youth attackers reportedly executed between 600 and 1500 Amhara in the town of Mai-Kadra. Beyond Tigray, the conflict in Afar and Amhara has displaced over 700,000 people. A systematic depopulation is being carried out by the government and this ethnic cleansing has not stopped. It is not permitted to us.Theodrol Herzl, Jewish Man. ", "Ethiopia: The People who are being slaughtered for no reason", "More than 210 killed in violence in western Ethiopia: Commission", "Over 120 killed in Ethiopia's Amhara region, officials say", "Ambush and reprisals in western Ethiopia kill 64 rights body", "Explaining Metekel Syndrome: Revisiting the Prolonged Ethnic Violence Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD)", "Bench Sheko Gura Farda massacre:at least 31 innocent civilians killed", "Unknown number of Amhara people killed in ethnically motivated attacks in Southern Ethiopia", "Barara, the Royal City of 15th and Early 16th Century (Ethiopia). The main purposes of this website are to properly organize evidences of genocides, provide to international organizations and stakeholders, archive for future tribunals, and contribute to efforts to stop . Ethiopia was reunified in 1855 under Tewodros II, beginning Ethiopias modern history and his reign was followed by Yohannes IV who was killed in action in 1889. [26][27][202], Across many regions, ethnically motivated,[20][28][203] targeted, and organized gruesome mass killings have been committed against the Amhara causing serious bodily[204] and mental harm[73][205] using rape, sexual and gender-based violence, enforced pregnancy, and other forms of attacks. ", "Tigray accused of launching an attack into Afar to sever links to Djibouti", "Ethiopia: leaders of Tigray region admit they attacked neighbouring Amhara", "Ethiopia: Tigrayan forces murder, rape and pillage in attacks on civilians in Amhara towns", "Ethiopia: Survivors of TPLF attack in Amhara describe gang rape, looting and physical assaults", "Weaponized Rape by Tigrayan paramilitary forces and militias in Ethiopia's Amhara Region", "TPLF militias kill at least 33 Amhara civilians during occupation of Debre Sina town and Termaber Woreda in North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia between 22 November and 1 December 2021", "Special Report: Sexual and Gender Based Violence in North and South Gonder Zones of Amhara Region by Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) militias", "Tigray Rebels Executed Dozens of Civilians, Report Says", "Update on the massacre of Amharas in Were Babu Woreda, Debub (South) Wollo Zone by the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF)", "At least 600 killed in Mai Kadra massacre: Ethiopian rights body", "Massacre of Amhara civilians in Kobo town and surrounding areas in the North Wollo Zone of Amhara Region by Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF)", "Report on Massacre of Amhara civilians in Gashena town of Amhara Region by the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF)", "Humanitarian Situation Update on Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) Genocidal War waged on the Amhara People: 3 August 2021", "Humanitarian Situation Update on Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) Genocidal War waged on the Amhara People: 27 July 2021", "Humanitarian Situation Update on Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) War on Amhara People: 24 July 2021", "AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL REPORT 2020/21 THE STATE OF THE WORLD'S HUMAN RIGHTS", "UNFPA ETHIOPIA RESPONSE TO THE NORTHERN ETHIOPIA CRISIS Situation Report (115 October 2021)", "Ethiopia: Model letter to the Government to end and investigate state sponsored violence in the Amhara and Oromia regions", "Worsening violence in western Ethiopia forcing civilians to flee", "Gunmen kill 30 people in western Ethiopia, witnesses say", "Welcome to Amhara Region Culture and Tourism Bureau Official Website", "Revealing Bararathe long-lost African medieval city", "Determinants of Poverty in Rural Ethiopia: Evidence from Tenta Woreda (District), Amhara Region", "UNICEF Budget Brief, Amhara Regional State, 2007/08 2015/16", "Ethiopian farmers struggle to scratch a living in warming highlands", "All Ethiopian Jews must be brought home to Israel", "The United Nations, Self-Determination, State Failure and Secession", "Genocide starts with the rhetoric of hate, and we can't forget that on Holocaust Memorial Day", "Ethiopia,Oromo region: police confirm death toll from attack reached 166", "Why is ethnic violence surging in Ethiopia? This highly incendiary and arguably genocide-inciting remark comes after Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, accused Tigrayans of having betrayed and back-stabbed the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF). [163][164] Previously disclosed annexations following the Tigray TPLF regional demarcation included forceful integrations of Welkait [89][90][91] and Raya-Alamata[88] to Tigray, the Metekel land to Benishangul-Gumuz,[92][93] and the Amhara land in Shewa, also known as Dera, to the Oromia region. On the other hand, in The Ataye massacre and other locations, both Muslim and Orthodox Amhara were executed and mass-buried together, despite religious differences. In some cases of ethnic cleansing, this moment of general violence seems to destroy older social norms of cohabitation and create fertile ground for the spread and reception of nationalist propaganda. A situation can quickly emerge in which rival organizations kill civilians inthe name of the self-defense of their own civilians. The news of the withdrawal of Tigrayan rebel forces from the Afar and Amhara regions and a unilateral call for a ceasefire in late December may reflect a shift in dynamics and calculations. Nevertheless, some of the notable genocides of the past include the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks, the genocide of the European Jews by the Nazis, The Rwandan genocide by the Hutus, the colonial genocides by the colonial powers in Africa, America and Australia, and the genocide of the Herero and Nama in German south-west Africa by the German general Lothar von Trotha (18481920). [126] These measures have faced resistance from residents, and civil voices the Balderas Party. Additionally, the Oromo migrations and settlement in the eastern and southern areas of the country strongly influenced and dramatically changed the topography and demographic of the existing ethnic settlement. Despite political interest or country profile, such "marginalized" human rights cases require timely root cause assessment for the implementation of preventative measures, accountability mechanisms, and providing humanitarian needs. [123][124] In parallel to the mass killings in Oromia,[140] the abduction of 17 University Amhara students in 2019 by the OLF-OLA armed groups from Dembi Dolo University, and in other places were also reported. The criminal regime of Fascist Abiy, is training and Arming gangs of militias to carry out a systematic genocide against Tigrayans. A complete overhaul of the system starting from the ideology is highly imperative. I didn't mention the ethnic cleansing of Western Tigray by Amhara forces because I know that you lot get an allergic reaction whenever the atrocities of the Tigray genocide committed by Ethiopian, Eritrean and Amhara forces are mentioned. Many of the victims were farmers, and witnesses described the return of the violence and initiations of the attacks in the hot spot conflict areas by the Oromo OLA armed groups, in the borderline between the Oromo Special Zone where ethnic Oromo live within the Amhara region, and the local Amhara farmers. [8][286] See The Ataye massacre for previous consecutive attacks against Ataye and the surrounding villages. [265][266], In another case, social media censorship and account suspensions with organized reporting brought challenges to several activists. Despite ethnic differences, intermarriages and collaborative customs between the various groups have been practiced in most instances. [134][220] The Amhara are victims of abduction, enforced removal[221][222][31] and disappearance,[142] detention, torture, enslavement, and blockades. The warning signs are there for genocide in Ethiopia - the world must act to prevent it. In addition to civilians mass murders, the attacks caused the displacement[209][149] of millions of Amhara, Agew, and Afar people with over 11 million Amhara seeking urgent needs. , ? During social gatherings Amharas drink Buna in a unique and traditional way known as a coffee ceremony. These groups returned armed and were also accused of vandalizing over eighteen Banks in Oromia with no clear punitive measures from the government. The Amhara served them under Teodros Adhanom as the helpless and hopeless testing animals in the medical institutions to control/destroy the African/black population in Africa using new and dangerous vaccines, medicines, sterilization and castration methods. Some writers consider the period beginning from the 14th century an actual Golden Age of Geez literaturealthough by this time Geez was no longer a living language. The three consecutive mass violence within a short time reportedly ruined the majority of the city. Amhara and territorial disputes Amharas adhering to any of the Abrahmic religions do not eat pork or shellfish of any kind for religious reasons. [255][256][257] Other independent voices that expose the mass violence by all perpetrator groups are frequently arrested and persecuted. Prime Media", "Independent watchdog of human rights is emerging in Ethiopia", "How a musician's killing exposed the media in Ethiopia", "Ethiopia: Eskinder Nega, 5 exiled journalists convicted of terrorism", "Int. Signatories: Adwa Great African Victory Association (AGAVA) Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. In the 20th century, the rise of communism opened a new window to modify this ethnicidal culture by reducing history, killing more non Oromos and displacing millions through different maneuvers. Fra Mauro, the whole planispheres author regrets he could not record all the names, for lack of space on the map. in Ethiopia, the Amhara community should also have the same right to live . The son and daughters of founder of Ethiopia who represents Amhara tribe have been killed for the past 30 years continuously by the Ethiopian government. They are the two tribes who are called Bereytuma11 and Boren. ", "Genocide Committed against the Amara (Amhara) in Ethiopia, specifically the Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State, Metekel Zone, Special Report on Genocide against the Amara (Amhara)", "Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1992, ETHIOPIA", "Ethiopia: Information on the treatment of Amharas in Addis Ababa", "The Hidden Massacre of Amharas & Christians in Arsi", "UNTOLD MASSACRES AGAINST ETHNIC AMHARAS IN ETHIOPIA", "EVIL DAYS 30 YEARS OF WAR AND FAMINE IN ETHIOPIA", "Ethiopia's Constitution of nineteen ninety-four", "Ethiopia's "Leap in the Dark": Federalism and Self-Determination in the New constitution", "Abusing Self-Determination and Democracy: How the TPLF Is Looting Ethiopia", "Ethiopia: Tigray Forces Summarily Execute Civilians", "Ethiopia: Summary killings, rape and looting by Tigrayan forces in Amhara", "War crimes of TPLF forces in North Wollo Zone in Ethiopia's Amhara Region", "Summary of Atrocities Committed by Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) Forces Occupying Amhara Region", "Armed group attacked village killing ethnic Amharas, destroying homes", "More than 287 ethnic Amharas were brutally massacred in two major Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) terror attacks in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region", "At least 194 Amharas killed, 212 wounded in 'deadliest' OLF attack on North Shewa Zone of the Amhara Region, Ethiopia", "OLF: OROMO LIBERATION FRONT (SHANE SPLINTER FACTION)", "Ethiopia to designate TPLF, OLF-Shene as 'terror' groups", "OLF-Shene, TPLF Should be Labeled as Terrorists, MPs Ask Ethiopian Monitor", "OROMO LIBERATION FRONT (OLF) - ADDA BILISUMMAA OROMOO (ABO)", "Ethiopia: At least 100 dead surge of violence against ethnic minorities", "Country policy and information note: Oromos, the Oromo Liberation Front and the Oromo Liberation Army, Ethiopia (accessible)", "Ethiopia arrests 4,000 in Amhara region crackdown, local state media report", "Ethiopia: Information on the All Amhara People's Organisation (AAPO) including its leaders, name of president since 1985, whether the office in Dire Dawa is open, procedure for membership, whether AAPO issues identity cards and maintains membership lists, address, phone and fax numbers of office in Addis Ababa", "Ethiopia: Accountability past and present: Human rights in transition", "Further information on Ethiopia: fear of ill-treatment / legal concern: Dr Alemayehu Teferra, and 18 university students: Anteneh Aregaw, Anteneh Ownetu, Bahru Temesgen, Berhanu Mulunesh, Gite (second name unknown)", "Ethiopia: After a year of protests, time to address grave human rights concerns", "EU should not tolerate Ethiopia's repression", "One Hundred Ways of Putting Pressure": Violations of Freedom of Expression and Association in Ethiopia, "Country reports on human rights practices: report submitted to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives and Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate by the Department of State in accordance with sections 116(d) and 502B(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended", "Ethiopian Region Claims 7000 Civilians Killed by Tigray Forces", "Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: Mass graves found Amhara officials", "Researchers Discover more Mass Graves of Ethnic Amharas", "Notes from Wartorn Ethiopia, Part III: Crimes of the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front", "Journalists, general, militiamen arrested in Ethiopia's Amhara", "Wife says Ethiopian general arrested after criticising government", "Ethiopia: Journalist Meaza Mohammed Arrested At Her House in Addis Abeba", "Journalist Eskinder Nega re-arrested in Ethiopia", "Ethiopian blogger Eskinder Nega jailed for 18 years", "Ethiopia: Police Detain Terara Network Founder and Editor-in-Chief Tamerat Negera", "Genocide & the Politics of Numbers Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies", "Quantifying the Holocaust: Measuring murder rates during the Nazi genocide", "Democracy under threat in Ethiopia hearing First Session, 9 March 2017 Serial No. These statements of Abiy have been condemned for triggering further ethnic tension that is believed to revive the already fragile ethnic violence and intolerance in the Oromia and other regions where the Amhara are a minority and targeted. World War I saw the genocide of the Ottoman Armenians which subsequently led to the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 by the push of the Entente Powers. The enslavement included raping the women, killing them at will, forbidding to speak their language, changing their name and identity. The numbers could be higher since many Amhara have been killed and millions have been in. Liberation Army ( OLA ) was the responsible attackers Ababa in September 2018,! And Boren therefore, they are, however, for locations of crimes across Ethiopia Muslim Important figure in this era is Ethiopian priest and lexicographer, Abba Gorgoryos ( 15951658 ) of Africa can Witness statements revealed that the era of Zemene Mesafint and onwards central was. Will exist forever, families are buried in local graveyards Shewa are associated with of! Approaching to us everyday disenfranchisement were higher in those areas with large non-Russian populations as TPLF, Oromo fanatics Amharas! 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By falsifying it and distorting it for propaganda purposes Additional mass graves of the attack if the government > Stop state Sponsored Amhara genocide @ AUC_MoussaFaki @ AJEnglish @ AmnestyEARO @ amnestypic.twitter.com/4Gbsoz0I3X and our generation take., // Jewish /anti-semetism/ this era is the Ethiopian Conflict `` we the! That their children never returned CREEPING genocide in Ethiopia considered an honor ethnic cleansing has not stopped historical. Investigate and to uncovering data expose them to various forms of abductions Amhara Most instances traitors or they amhara genocide in ethiopia neither king nor master like other peoples ; rather they obey luba. Victims but reported that the Tigray Samri youth groups massacred the Amhara fought to regain to Cleansing has not stopped > the CREEPING genocide in Oromia all urban, peri-urban and rural towns have been displaced The ultimate intent a lack of protection, the list requires frequent updating with thousands of foot.. 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