
sortable placeholder jquery

If your data does not have a text key, an alternative key can be specified as a string: data can also itself be a function that returns a results object: Select2 comes with AJAX/JSONP support built in. Reverts changes to DOM done by Select2. By default this option is enabled. The callback function name for a JSONP request. when clicked, resets the value of the select box back to the placeholder, thus this option is Function that will be used to perform the ajax request. Syntax: We need to initialize the sortable widget with the receive callback function Set and offer products that can be composed by users such as computers, sports equipment, etc. Choose which roles can view & edit fields in the post edition screen. The field is now compatible with all select, checkbox & radio settings, Field: Button Code has been reworked & added Ajax call setting, Field: Button Added Ajax action: acfe/fields/button, POST parameters: $post_id, $field_key, $field_name. Dragging only starts if you move the pointer past a certain tolerance, so that you don't accidentally start dragging every time you click. Field: File Improved default values implementation, Field: File Fixed Preview Style Select2 setting render styling, Field: WYSIWYG Fixed Custom Toolbar setting not working correctly in ACF 6.0 UI, Field Settings: Min/Max Added settings as default values in related fields, Module: Scripts Improved validation process to only trigger inside page wrapper, General: Fixed ACF 6.0 CSS on ACF Updates page, Field: Image/File Fixed undefined index notice when ACFE Form forced specific uploader type, Field: Flexible Content Clear fields storage in Field Group UI to avoid third party plugins messing with it, Module: Forms Reverted logic for the Image/File/Gallery media modal, Field Groups: Fixed Advanced Settings/Validation settings not working correctly in ACF 6.0 UI, General: Added several ACF 6.0 Field Groups CSS fixes, Field: Code Editor Fixed ACF 6.0 UI field setting width, Field: Google Map Fixed potential undefined, Field: Post Object Fixed an issue with the Inline Post Edit modal which would not work correctly in some edge case, Field: Relationship Reworked & Enhanced Post Creation/Edit code logic, Field: Dynamic Render Fixed potential undefined, Field: Flexible Content Fixed duplicated Modal Select Categories, Field: Flexible Content Fixed Sortable ui helper css margin, Field: Post Object Fixed ACF 6.0 UI wrong border color, Field: Post Object Fixed sortable items when Inline Post Edit is enabled with Allow Multiple values, Field: Select Fixed potential JS issue while searching a value when using Allow custom value, Field: Tab Fixed ACF 6.0 UI missing colors, Field: Taxonomy Fixed JS error on initialization, Module: Advanced Validation/Settings Fixed ACF 6.0 UI settings css, Module: Forms Bail early in the Block Editor in the, General: Added several ACF 6.0 & ACF 6.0.1 UI compatibility fixes, Module: Dev Mode Added data overview & clean orphan meta on Attachment, Module: Global Conditional Logic Fixed postbox being hidden when user interacted with Screen Options, Module: Scripts Fixed Attachments post type in Orphan Meta Cleaner, Module: Rewrite Rules Fixed non-registered rewrite tag php notice, Field: Color Picker Added Return Format Label and Color + Label Array, Field: Countries / Languages / Currencies Removed potential notice in some edge cases, Field: Date Range Picker Displaying only one date when the user select the same start/end date, Field: File Added field key to attributes for nonce generation, Field: Payment Added Hide Postal Code setting, Field: Payment Fixed Payment Summary Render rounding the total amount, Field: Payment Fixed PayPal popup blocked by Safari, Field: Payment Fixed PayPal validation when Display Button is disabled, Field: Payment Cart ## Title markup is now allowed, Field: Payment Cart Field is now compatible with Repeater/Flexible Content, Field: Payment Cart Cart items are now automatically passed to js in, Field: Phone Number Added National & International return format when libphonenumber is installed, Field: Phone Number Added Geolocation API Token setting for ipinfo.io, Field: Phone Number Field value now only save the phone number instead of an array for data accessibility, Field: Phone Number Server Validation now also take care of Allowed Countries setting, Field: Post Field Fixed Content reinit JS undefined variable, Field: Post Object Inline Post Creation/Edit Added data in iframe URL for customization, Field: Relationship Inline Post Creation/Edit Added data in iframe URL for customization, Field: Relationship Added edit button RTL CSS support, Field: True False Added Default Rounded, Small, Small Rounded, Alt & Alt Rounded styles, Field: WYSIWYG Removed jQuery dependency on Source Code modal, Field Group: Added Alternative Add Field Mode with Shift+Click (add by field type), Module: Dev Mode Fixed Bulk Delete Meta not working correctly on Post Type List screen, Module: Dev Mode Added meta overview on Attachment screen, Module: Enhanced UI Added Attachment Enhanced UI, Module: Enhanced UI Fixed WordPress 6.0 User Profile PHP notice, Module: Form Fixed Library: Attached to this post front-end Media Modal, Module: Form User Added builtin Insert/Update User Email validation, Module: Form Post Action Fixed post parent setting which could break in some edge cases, Module: Multilang Fixed Post Types Archive Page detection when using, Module: Options Pages Admin List Added Position column, Module: Options UI Enhanced search escape, Module: Options UI Enhanced specialchars entities & added raw serialized output, Module: Settings UI Enhanced registered values column to correctly use, Field: Advanced Link Display preview when URL or Title is entered, Field: Code Editor Fixed value update when used inside an ACF Block Type, Field: Code Editor Fixed missing Field Object Settings in the Field Group UI on duplicate, Field: Columns Fixed CSS when inside a collapsed Repeater, Field: Clone Fixed Modal Edit title when in repeater table, Field: Flexible Content Select Modal Fixed Layout Category showing in all categories when there is no category set, Field: Flexible Content Edit Modal Fixed usage with, Field: Group Fixed Modal Edit title when in repeater table, Field: Post Statuses slugs are only shown when duplicated labels, Field: Select Enhanced Select2 on clear logic by closing selection, Field: Taxonomy Terms Enhanced Radio Field Type when using Load Terms with specific allowed terms, Field Settings: Validation Added regex unicode compatibility, Locations: Post Type Archive Fixed native, General: Compatibility Enhanced Elementor Dynamic Tags detection, General: Compatibility Added ACF 6.0 new UI compatibility fixes, General: Core Enhanced scripts enqueue logic, General: Core Updated tooltip icon & added on/off logic on click, General: Gutenberg Enhanced metabox CSS, General: Readme Enhanced Readme (Plugin URI, typos, Slack URL), Module: Templates Fixed top-level Seamless Clones values not being correctly loaded, Module: Templates Fixed Templates List columns data, Module: Global Conditional Logic Fixed Field Group Locations when using a Global Field on the Add Term screen, Module: Global Conditional Logic Enhanced Field Group Locations to only use matched groups when using the same field on different screens, Module: Global Conditional Logic Fixed ACF Ajax Screen rules being incorrectly applied, Field: Date Range Picker Fixed Default Start/End settings not working correctly, Field: Date Range Picker Added Show Dropdowns settings, Field: Date Range Picker Enhanced dropdowns CSS, Field: Flexible Content Grid System Renamed Wrap setting to No Wrap for consistency, Field: Payment Fixed Conditional Logic not working correctly, Field: Payment Fixed Incorrect Payment Data in Summary Render when no items saved, Field: Payment Enhanced Summary Render & Data validation, Field: Payment Fixed recursive Payment Field Selection when payment fields are inside sub fields, Field: Post Field Taxonomy Fixed initialization with non-hierarchical taxonomy, Field: Post Field Editor Added delayed re-initialization, Field: Post Object Fixed Allow Creation setting not triggering Conditional Logic on post creation, Field: WYSIWYG Added Auto Init setting when using Delay Init, Module: Ajax Authorbox Fixed disappearing authorbox when ACF Ajax Screen is triggered (category selection etc), Module: Clean Orphan Meta Enhanced logic for cloned fields with sub fields, Module: Developer Mode Fixed potential PHP notice when using Local Field Groups, Module: Single Meta Fixed Preview Changes not working correctly with Single Meta, Field: Columns Fixed CSS when used inside Tabs Aligned Left, Field: Flexible Content Fixed Modal Select Size being always forced to Full, Field: Flexible Content Fixed sub fields CSS when displayed inside a Modal Edit from the Sidebar, Field: Flexible Content Fixed sidebar Gutenberg title CSS glitch, Field: WYSIWYG Fixed Delay init setting being automatically initialized on page load, Field Groups: Fixed potential PHP notice when no Field Group are saved in DB in the Sync Available Tab, Locations: Post Type list/Taxonomy list/User list/Attachment list Fixed Flexible Content field initialization, Locations: Post Type list/Taxonomy list/User list/Attachment list Fixed fields CSS padding, General: Fixed native ACF 5.11 bug with multiple front-end forms which wrongly trigger validation when one field was required, General: Enhanced Select2 CSS integration for ACF 5.10/5.11.3/5.11.4 and YOAST, Field: File Fixed single file not being correctly saved when removed on Gutenberg screen, Field: Payment Added PayPal Production & Test API URL in settings instructions, Field: Payment Enhanced Stripe/PayPal JS enqueue on Gutenberg screen, Field: Payment Cart Fixed multiline Default Value setting, Field: Phone Number Fixed format value causing problem in some edge case, Field: Phone Number Changed default Return Format to Number, Field Settings: Instructions More Fixed, Module: Dev Mode Fixed Object Data modal on Post Screen when sidebar is fixed, Module: Forms Fixed Shortcode Preview issue when the ACFE Form module was disabled, Module: Orphan Meta Cleaner Script Added support of multi-sub level clones seamless fields, General: Removed No license key has been provided annoying message on Updates Screen, Field: Flexible Content Fixed WYSIWYG copy/paste layout feature with ACF 5.10, Fields: Fixed ACFE Modal position on Gutenberg screen, Module: Dev Mode Added support of multi-sub level clones seamless fields, Module: Enhanced UI Added LearnDash Taxonomies compatibility, Module: Forms Enhanced Save ACF Fields instructions text, Module: Forms Added Post Excerpt in the Post Action fields, Module: Settings UI Fixed tabs badge count with ACF 5.10, Field: Added Payment Field Compatible with Stripe & PayPal Express gateways, Field: Added Payment Selector Field Select Payment Field gateway. ACF Extended adds a new layer of compatibility for Polylang. This is the function defined in the. Callback that can be used to add objects to the selection. This event is used to allow the user to reject removal by calling event.preventDefault(). Any selection done via Select2 will be preserved. Next lets implement sorting of columns for the paginated table. The content of the upcoming patch and work in progress features are all listed on the Official Roadmap (or the Trello Board). the tags helper function is used. Indiana Options. Add another route to your routes/web.php: If you now open the URL http://yourwebsite.com/products/index-filtering in your browser, String containing css class names separated by a space. JQuery is a sortable tree plug-in that enables the user to reorder items in a menu tree by drag and drop. Run custom scripts on thousands of posts. Instruction Placement (PRO) The field is now compatible with all select, checkbox & radio settings, Field: Taxonomy Selection Code has been reworked. Useful if the items are also clickable like in a list of links. The user must create a special ACF field for the Title and use this field to create the post title from the frontend on save. Auto Sync PHP Laravel: Using Pagination, Sorting and Filtering with Your Tables, Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). button, Morph Swaps. The placeholder property is used to get or set the placeholder of an input text. All advanced settings are now hidden by default and depend on that setting to be shown. show the option B only if the user sets option A to yes), Set the option as selected by default or not, Choose where to display the options on the product page (before or after the Add to cart button), Enter an optional title for each block of options, Enter a label and a description for each option, Upload an image to clarify what the option is about, Choose whether to replace the main product image when the option is selected, Choose the image position (above or under the label, on the left or right), Choose whether to show or not the options set in a toggle collapse section, Enable the grid layout to adjust the options in a grid based on the page width, Set if the option is free (product price doesnt change when the option is selected), Set if the option has a fixed or % cost that will increase the product price, Set if the option discounts the product price, Set whether to multiply the product price by the length of the text inserted by the user (only for Text and Textarea type add-ons), Set whether to multiply the product price by the quantity the user selects for a certain option (only for number type add-ons), Set the first X selected options as FREE (e.g. This is especially convenient in the tagging usecase where the user can quickly enter a number of tags Good plugin, well coded and nice support ! Display a Date Range Picker. Field: Flexible Content Significant Performance Boost (~50/60% faster during the loading). For more info on the parameters, refer to the JQuery API Documentation. It is written in the comments that the developers are thinking about special scenarios where developers need a custom field for the title. Currencies (PRO) The distance (in pixels) the mouse must be from an empty sortable while dragging for the drag element to be inserted into that sortable. Fields will be saved in the option: Taxonomies: Taxonomies list & edit views have been tweaked for a more consistent administration experience, using CSS/JS only. Permissions While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our. Demo: https://jsbin.com/jayedig/edit?js,output. Each selected item is rendered as a tag in the input element. The advantage of the first approach we used is its relative simplicity. Hawaii Admin: Re-introduced Options admin screen under Settings > Options. Feature requests are all listed on the Official Trello Board. Edit code using the native WP Core Codemirror library. Dynamic Taxonomy: Added a configuration button next to the taxonomy title, if the taxonomy was generated by the Dynamic Taxonomy tool. the user. A more sophisticated validation conditions (AND/OR) with custom error messages based on specified location (administration/front-end). An object that persists across the lifecycle of queries for the same search term (the query to retrieve the initial results, and subsequent queries to retrieve more result pages for the same search term). 1-based page number tracked by Select2 for use with infinite scrolling of results. When placeholder is used for a non-multi-value select box, it requires that you include an empty tag as your first option. Aerografa Field: Taxonomy Terms Added Radio Button display type, Field: Flexible Content Enhanced Code Base, Field: Flexible Content Dynamic Render Enhanced, Field: Flexible Content Dynamic Render Enhanced Template, Style & Script files detection. Try typing in the search field below and entering a space or a comma. Here is a trivial example that creates choices that consist of user's input repeated a number of times: In order to take advantage of custom data loading Select2 should be attached to an input type='hidden' tag, otherwise data is parsed from select's option tags. I've tried a few ways of building forms with ACF and the pro version of ACF Extended is well worth the price and, without any doubt, the best plugin. Florida Posts, Post Types Archives & terms selection can be filtered in the field administration. The product details will be shown in a popup, so they don't need to leave the current page.Using it in combination with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-ons, your customers can select their options in the popup screen, without leaving the current page. It can also be used to build highly interactive web applications or can be used to add widgets easily. Display a field group based on the field value of an another field group. Self/Multi/Bidirectional fields All native taxonomies settings can be set within the UI. Using a third-party JavaScript library called DataTables. YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles is an extension conceived to create bundles with the combination of some products of your shop. declare var jQuery; For sortable we need to use AfterViewChecked life cycle hook. Languages (PRO) Select2's width can be set to a percentage of its parent to support responsive design. You can now add, edit and delete Block Types in the ACF > Block Types UI, Module: Added Options Pages Module. This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, http://yourwebsite.com/products/index-paging, http://laravel.local/products/index-paging?page=2, http://yourwebsite.com/products/index-sorting, http://yourwebsite.com/products/index-filtering, http://yourwebsite.com/products/index-datatables. It's a pity that the developers do not think about ordinary users. Display an optional Payment Selector which let the user switch the payment gateway. You might also like: Html Elements Sorting and Filtering Plugin - List.js Sortable Lists and Grids with jQuery & HTML5 - html5sortable Allow user to enter custom value which will be saved as a new post, or enable the inline post creation/edit. Separator character or string used to delimit ids in value attribute of the multi-valued selects. The placeholder can also be specified as a data-placeholder attribute on the select Demo: https://jsbin.com/sewokud/edit?js,output. See "options.callback" in the "query" function for format. correct it : Kyslik\ColumnSortable\ColumnSortableServiceProvider::class, Youll find the documentation of every features on the official ACF Extended website. Because jQuery retains a reference to an event handler when it is introduced using on click function, it can be activated using jQuerys trigger (click) command. Joe Dickinson - verified owner September 6, 2022. Fired when a choice is highlighted in the dropdown. Default languages: Text/HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP mixed/plain. Its one of the most powerful WordPress plugin available. Select2 can take a regular select box like this: Alaska The problem with displaying these tables is that you need to make them If this number is less than 1 selection is not limited. Gets or sets the selection. Now display: DB, Json or PHP. This method is very similar to If you sell T-shirts, cups, and other custom items, you certainly need a field to let your customers upload files, like their photos, during the checkout process. Choose which roles can view & edit field groups in the post edition screen. For example it can be used to set the content type: Options for the built in query function that works with arrays. Defaults to false. This behaviour controls the look of this 'dragged' Element. You can also define whether lists can give away, give and keep a copy (clone), and receive elements. Percentage of the target that the inverted swap zone will take up, as a float between 0 and 1. Display an optional Payment Cart to easily setup an e-commerce solution. If you are already using jQuery, ensure you Item 5. The minimum number of results that must be initially (after opening the dropdown for the first time) Function used to render the current selection. Select2 will re-display any elements previously hidden and update the selection of the element it is attached to. Sort data in a table Select a cell within the data. When used in combination with input[type=hidden] tag care $("#e30").select2(); autocad apple silicon; characteristics of an effective organizational structure; jquery add disabled attribute to button resourses/views/products/index-filtering.blade.php will look like below: It looks very similar to the previous one (with pagination and sorting), but note the HTML form at the top. New: "Upoad File size" option on settings that allow the administrator to set max uploaded file size. Tab (PRO) You can file a report on the Plugin Support Forum or on the Github Page if you prefer. Developer Mode (FREE / PRO) Supports Radio/Select field type and icons, Field: Added Payment Cart Field Easily setup a cart selector with items and price, Module: Added Scripts UI Run scripts on thousands Posts/Terms/Users/Options Page without server limitation. disabled Specifies whether the SelectBox responds to user interaction. No delay will be applied in any other case. Definition of jQuery click trigger. To make your Product model sortable, you need to modify it a little: Note the line use KyslikColumnSortableSortable; in the beginning which is the shortcut for That's it. Nested Sort is a Vanilla JS library, without any dependencies, which helps you to sort a nested list of items by drag and drop. Delaware This function is configurable in options of select2. You may want to specify the callback when you want to enable better browser caching of GET requests. Module: Dynamic Forms Added setting to disable Dynamic Forms: Module: Dynamic Forms Added 8 new hooks per form action allowing developers to customize each action, Field: Added Google reCaptcha field (compatible v2 & v3). element or a string first to indicate that the first option should be used. Responsive drop-down list The component provides a responsive mode that gives an adaptive, redesigned UI appearance to mobile devices and is at ease with touch actions. Required fields are marked *. YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor allows you to turn your store into a multistore where vendors manage their own product and earn a commission on every sale.The integration between the two plugins allows, in a multistore shop, vendors to create advanced options groups for their products.Each vendor can create global, category or single product options groups.All options groups created by vendors wont show on products that dont belong to them. Instructions Placement This massive rework brings some great performance on complex Flexible Content fields. Slug https://jsbin.com/yunakeg/edit?html,css,js,output. Allow users to edit group fields in a modal Choose the edit button text, display close button and the modal size, Hidden Input New York In the post administration, the Add row button will add a layout without the selection modal if there is only one layout available in the flexible content, Field: Flexible Content Note The following settings: Layouts Thumbnails, Layouts Render & Modal Categories will be visible after saving field group, Module: Ajax Author Fixed a bug where field groups Hide on screen setting wasnt applied on post administration, Module: Json AutoSync Added /acf-json folder not found warning message if Json Sync is set in a field group and the /acf-json folder doesnt exist, Module: Taxonomy Forced Tabs to be Aligned Top in taxonomies fields (JS Only ACF Bug) & added better CSS style (thanks to @Val_Pellegrin), Module: Dynamic Post Type/Taxonomy/Option Page/Block Type Hidden Minor publishing panel (Save as draft, visibility) to avoid confusion (thanks to @Val_Pellegrin), Field: Bidirectional Removed the bail early if old values == new values check. Unlike other dropdowns on this page, this one matches options only if the term appears in the beginning of the string as opposed to anywhere: The dropdown below matches on custom attributes of the option tag. The default implementation expects the object to have a text property that is returned. Settings can then be used with. A more simplistic approach that I came across for a simple HTML table is to include this snippit when defining your table th tags for each of your columns where #datatable-basic is the id of your table tag where the nth-child represents your columns: The Blazor Dropdown List component placeholder can float like a material design with impressive animation. Fired when a choice is about to be removed in the dropdown/input, but before any removal of the choice has been made. Field Groups (PRO) To demonstrate how this work, lets add another action to our controller: You can see that now we call the sortable() method on the Product class. Click again, and the sorting direction will be descending (Z to A): Get certifiedby completinga course today! Your email address will not be published. blue. Google reCaptcha Get an overview of all WordPress permalinks structures and rules. in config/app.php: Load the principle JavaScript nested-sort.umd.min.js within the doc. Completely built with by YITH. Set custom field group key. Function that filters/renames css classes as they are copied from the source tag to the select2 container tag. Phone Number (PRO) CSS and icons have been enhanced to fit WordPress admin UI and colors. In order to enable the remote service must support some sort of a paging mechanism and Set to true to set the swap zone to the sides of the target, for the effect of sorting "in between" items. Results object. Html string, a DOM element, or a jQuery object that renders the selection. Works on both fallback and native dragover event. Item 1. Useful when the user can create choices on the fly, eg for the 'tagging' usecase. jQuery UI Sortable over Event. A lot of add-ons to create, lots of options to personalize the pricing, the style, etc, Gimena Solaeche - verified owner April 22, 2022, Muy buenos resultadosLo usamos hace bastante tiempo ya que las opciones que proporciona son excelentes para personalizar los productos. Example: $("#tags").select2("onSortEnd"); Executes a new search using the provided value. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: if (Number(x.innerHTML) > Number(y.innerHTML)) {, W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. WYSIWYG Editor (PRO) Enhanced UI Flexible Content (FREE / PRO) Whether or not the delay should be applied only if the user is using touch (eg. Only applies when configured in multi-select mode. Display a custom submit or button. The jQuery UI Sortable stop event is used Location: Advanced Post (PRO) Usage example available in the field administration. Fix: Add option doesn' t work with some configurations. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Custom Key Note that because browsers assume the first option element Gets or sets the selection. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. In Laravel, when you create websites displaying some data, you almost Function used to query results for the search term. Function used to determine what the next search term should be. The maximum specified size of the selection. The KendoReact MultiSelect is a form component that displays a list of options in a popup and allows for multiple items to be selected from this list. by separating them with a comma or a space. Field Group UI (PRO) Iowa readOnly Prevents users from changing the editor's value via the UI. Used to sort the results list for searching right before display. Choices are now all merged into one single setting, Field: Relationship Enhanced Gutenberg post update detection for the Inline Add/Edit Post settings, Field: Color Picker Fixed RGBA library not being correctly initialized in the Gutenberg Editor, Field: Date Range Picker Fixed the JS not being correctly initialized in the Gutenberg Editor, Field: Date Range Picker Enhanced CSS Style of invalid dates to match the ACF Date Picker style, Field: WYSIWYG Fixed potential PHP warning when using an un-existent toolbar, Module: Force Sync Fixed json file timestamp update during the sync, Field Settings: Required message It is now recommended to use, Field: Advanced Link Fixed typo in the field settings, Field: Columns Fixed Field Group Seamless Style columns render, Field: Enhanced UI Fixed Add New Term button on Taxonomy List when using Tabs, Field: Flexible Content Fixed Inline Title Edit setting generating a duplicated layout title when using Modal Edit setting, Field: Flexible Content Enhanced Disable Legacy Ajax Title & Async Layouts settings UI, Field: Flexible Content Added missing Hide Collapse action setting, Field: Flexible Content Fixed Locked layout handle cursor CSS, Field: Forms Added missing Search placeholder setting when using Select Field Type, Field: ReCaptcha Value are now updated silently to avoid triggering the, Field: Select2 Enhanced various CSS Style, Field: Taxonomy Terms Added missing Search placeholder setting when using Select Field Type, Field: Text Fixed input wrap overflow CSS (while waiting for ACF to fix it), Fields: Fixed Placeholder & Search placeholder conditional logic when using Select field type, Module: Forms Removed reCaptcha field type from, Module: Forms Enhanced field mapping hook with the form context, Module: Options Pages Fixed PHP notice when using a Sub Options Page with the latest ACF Pro 5.9.6 update, Module: Settings UI Fixed Modification in code not being correctly rendered, Field Groups: Hide On Screen Fixed Classic Content Editor appearing when should be hidden, while using a second Field Group Hide on Screen and selecting a category, Compatibility: GraphQL: Fixed typo in Taxonomy Terms field registration, Compatibility: GraphQL: Added basic field values resolvers (while waiting for official third party implementation documentation), Field: Added Image Sizes Selector field, Field: Column Added Column Auto size setting, Field: Column Added Column Border & Fields Border settings, Field: Color Picker Fixed CSS Position of the Color Picker in palette mode, Module: Global Conditional Logic Fixed multiple Conditional Groups not being correctly detected, Module: Templates Enhanced Templates Values detection, Module: Templates Added Template Detection on Term & Post Edit screens, Module: Templates Fixed potential PHP notice in the Template UI sidebar when using a custom location, Fields: Added missing ACF Conditional Logic rules on Pro Fields (Block Types, Color Picker, Field Groups etc), Field: Column Upgraded CSS to use Flexbox, Module: Forms Fixed Honeypot Field not being correctly rendered, Module: Forms Fixed potential slashes on the Success Page when using Single Meta Save, Module: Forms Fixed potential slashes in e-mail content & fields, Module: Forms Added context & variations to the, Module: Multilang Enhanced WPML String Translation Registration for all modules, Module: Dev Mode The module now check the, Module: Dev Mode Tweaked CSS margin of the Bulk Action select, Module: Single Meta Save Disabled Save as individual meta on Column, Google reCaptcha & Dynamic Message fields, Module: Single Meta Save Fixed WP Revisions Comparison compatibility, Module: Single Meta Save Fixed slashes in WP Revisions, Modules: Fixed Draft Post Status when an item is reverted from Trash, General: Local Meta Enhanced preload Post ID logic, Field: Added Advanced Color Picker field settings with RGBA support, Palette display style, Custom predefined colors & Allow null, Field: Added Date Range Picker field with Custom ranges, No weekends, Min/max date & Min/max days support, Field: Flexible Content Grid System Fixed sub Flexible Content Grid CSS bug, Field: Flexible Content Grid System Tweaked, Field: Fields Selector Added Field Name return value setting, Field: Post Field Fixed Permalink Save & Cancel missing text when editing a permalink, Module: Added Force Sync module allowing to automatically sync Json Files to DB with the newest version, Module: Dynamic Template Improved instruction, Module: Global Conditional Logic Fixed compatibility with Terms & Users screen when Enhanced UI is disabled, Field: Clone Fixed internal ACFE module field groups which where selectable in clone, Field: Google reCaptcha Renamed the field to Google reCaptcha, Field: Post Object Fixed duplicated post creation when using Custom Value setting, Module: Forms Fixed Clone Render when using Override Form Render settings, Module: Forms Fixed Redirect Action named hook not working with a custom action name, Module: Forms Added render actions hooks, Module: Block Types Changed the Mode setting default value to Preview, as in the documentation, Module: Multilang WPML string translations now use, Module: Settings UI Fixed potential duplicated table, Module: Enhanced UI Fixed possible metaboxes screen name collision with taxonomy name, General: ACFE Modal Fixed possible duplicate field instructions in repeaters, Compatibility: Added ACFE Field Types to WP GraphQL ACF plugin, Module: Added Screen Layouts module allowing to customize Post Edit Screen up to 3 columns, Field: Flexible Content Added Container Size setting in the, Field: Menus & Menu Locations Added compatibility with min/max items settings, Field: Added ACFE Template Selector field, Field: Added ACF Block Types Selector field, Field: Added ACF Field Groups Selector field, Field: Added ACF Field Types Selector field, Field: Added ACF Options Pages Selector field, Field: Post Field Fixed field type category translation, Field: reCaptcha Fixed missing field Site key & Secret Key on field render, Fields: Fields types are now sorted in ASC order in the Field Group UI, Fields: Added ACF & WordPress Field Types Categories in the Field Group UI to de-clutter the Relational category, Module: Forms Fixed Form Name not being correctly updated when changed, Locations: Post Type Archive Admin menu item on front-end now correctly check the user permissions, Field Groups: Permissions Fixed undefined index notice when using the permission setting, General: Fixed ACF Title metabox position to become usable with drag&drop function when empty (while waiting for ACF to fix it).

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