
why is coercion the opposite of social exchange

A narrative study of qualitative data on sexual assault, coercion and harassment: Canadian Journal of Counselling Vol 28(3) Jul 1994, 193-205. No peace for estrous topi cows on leks: Behavioral Ecology Vol 14(4) Jul 2003, 521-525. Behind the bars of masculinity: Male rape and homophobia in and about South African men's prisons: Sexualities Vol 10(2) Apr 2007, 209-227. Prospero, M. (2007). (2002). Coercion in school: Psychologia Wychowawcza Vol 37(2) Mar-Apr 1994, 138-144. Foubert, J. D. (2000). Find out more about saving content to Google Drive. Spiller, L. C. (2000). Holding onto power: Effects of powerholders' positional instability and expectancies on interactions with subordinates: European Journal of Social Psychology Vol 36(4) Jul-Aug 2006, 451-468. This idea that conscience cannot in fact be coerced originated among the Stoic philosophers of ancient Greece, and resurfaced many centuries later during and after the European Renaissance, as one of the basic tenets of classic (or Whig) liberalism. Cascardi, M., & Poythress, N. G. (1997). : Journal of Business Research Vol 39(3) Jul 1997, 209-218. How the Rhodesian colonists established a Black labour force within a racist economic system: Journal fur Psychologie Vol 10(3) 2002, 227-248. The Role of Coercion in the Treatment of Women With Co-occurring Disorders and Histories of Abuse: Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research Vol 32(2) Apr-Jun 2005, 167-181. Harvey, F. P. (1999). Is it ok to coerce? Almost paradoxically, personal spiritual freedom came thus to be often based on specific thought coercion by the inspired few. Patients' perceptions of coercion on admission to forensic psychiatric hospital: A comparison study: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 26(4) Jul-Aug 2003, 355-372. Doroszewicz, K., & Forbes, G. B. According to exchange theory, people weight the benefits and risks of social-relationship. Kalichman, S. C., Williams, E. A., Cherry, C., Belcher, L., & Nachimson, D. (1998). He praises the government for recognizing the negative externalities born by his daughter. Involuntary admissions and coercive measures in psychiatric care: Registered and reported: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 21(1) Win 1998, 31-42. Silva, M. T. (2005). Psychiatric implications of stressful methods employed by totalist cults. The Role of Psychopathy in Sexual Coercion against Women. Zweig, J. M., Barber, B. L., & Eccles, J. S. (1997). Program-level predictors of antipsychotic medication adherence among parolees: International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Vol 48(5) Oct 2004, 561-571. the social exchange theory advocates that all human relationships are formed by using a cost-benefit analysis and comparison with alternatives. for example, when a person perceives the costs of a relationship over the profits made, the person, according to this theory, leaves the relationship. this theory has its roots in economics, psychology Nearly half of young men reported being the victim of sexual coercion in a new study, showing that despite popular beliefs, men can also be the targets of abuse. Introduction to this Issue: Mandated Community Treatment: Behavioral Sciences & the Law Vol 21(4) 2003, 411-414. Distal coercion: Case studies: Psychology: A Journal of Human Behavior Vol 34(1) 1997, 10-14. Heterosexual and homosexual coercion, sexual orientation and sexual roles in medical students: Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol 24(5) Oct 1995, 489-502. They will also prefer the exchange that results in the most security, social approval and independence. Deconstructing attachment theory: Naturalizing the politics of motherhood. Prison sexuality (or prison sex or penitentiary sex) consists of sexual relationships between prisoners or between a prisoner and a prison employee or other persons to whom prisoners have access.Since prisons are usually separated by sex, most sexual activity is with a same-sex partner. (2001). A. (2001). (1996). (1995). become the young person's 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' isolate the young person from their friends and family so that they feel dependent on them (and their network) for friendship and social connection establish a sexual relationship lower the young person's inhibitions, for example, by showing them pornography Osman, S. L., & Davis, C. M. (1999). However, the basing of all ethical values on conscience has also produced a diametrically opposed view. Coercive family processes: A replication and extension of Patterson's Coercion Model: Aggressive Behavior Vol 27(1) 2001, 14-25. 3) The Social Exchange Theory assumes behavioral approach in explaining relationships. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Iversen, K. I., Hoyer, G., Sexton, H., & Gronli, O. K. (2002). Tedeschi, J. T., & Felston, R. B. Engberg, M. (1997). Cults, coercion, and contumely: Cultic Studies Journal Vol 9(2) 1992, 163-189. Evidence for serial coercion: A time course analysis using the visual-world paradigm: Cognitive Psychology Vol 56(1) Feb 2008, 1-29. Men's Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships: Development and Initial Validation of the Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships Scale: Violence and Victims Vol 19(5) Oct 2004, 541-556. Coercion in Intimate Partner Violence: Toward a New Conceptualization: Sex Roles Vol 52(11-12) Jun 2005, 743-756. This alternative approach has percolated far beyond the religious field, and is shared to-day by all those who think they have a privileged access to true conscience, thanks to divine revelation, superior scientific knowledge or some other special circumstance. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Brainwash: The secret history of mind control. Un/safe/ly at Home: Narratives of Sexual Coercion in 1920s Egypt. Traxler, M. J., McElree, B., Williams, R. S., & Pickering, M. J. Spitzberg, B. H., & Rhea, J. Spitzberg, B. H., Marshall, L., & Cupach, W. R. (2001). The Visual Foucauldian: Institutional Coercion and Surveillance in Frederick Wiseman's Multi-handicapped Documentary Series: Journal of Medical Humanities Vol 24(3-4) Win 2003, 291-308. Walker, S. J. Psychology: A behavioral reinterpretation. Total loading time: 0.355 Once the desired change in values has been brought about, the victim is expected to conform spontaneously, without any need for further coercion. Premarital sexual coercion: Treatment issues for family therapists: Journal of Marital & Family Therapy Vol 21(2) Apr 1995, 167-181. Lalumiere, M. L., Chalmers, L. J., Quinsey, V. L., & Seto, M. C. (1996). Hird, M. J., & Jackson, S. (2001). Delprato, D. J. Prinzie, P., Onghena, P., & Hellinckx, W. (2006). Coercion / Cruelty social category are people who share social characteristics and a group is two or more people who have one goal and think alike, come together at HOJ to accomplish a goal, Primary- emotionally attached, intimate and secondary are impersonal and goal oriented, Criteria for development of primary groups, has to be small size, face to face contact, continuous contact, members of a group like environmental organizations, Why advertisers would care about reference groups. Validation of Acceptance of Coercive Sexual Behavior (ACSB): A Multimedia Measure of Adolescent Dating Attitudes: Assessment Vol 12(2) Jun 2005, 162-173. Coercion is different from the use of brute force to completely defeat an adversary, because it aims to modify the behaviour of an opponent, ideally through threats and, at most, the limited and demonstrative use of force. Sexual assault, coercion, and harassment: Implications for subjective well-being and relationship satisfaction. Punishment that was both strong and consistent produced the highest frequency of reward exchange and the least negative affect toward the partner. The concepts of coercion and persuasion are similar, but various factors distinguish the two. Asian and non-Asian attitudes toward rape, sexual harassment, and sexuality: Sex Roles Vol 46(7-8) Apr 2002, 227-238. Goldstein, R. L. (1999). Review of Liberation by Oppression: A Comparative Study of Slavery and Psychiatry: Ethical Human Sciences & Services Vol 5(1) Spr 2003, 75-78. Despite its usefulness, theoretical ambiguities within SET remain. Gudjonsson, G. (1995). Prosen, E. D., Jaeger, R. G., & Lee, D. R. (2004). Gender Differences in Sexual Harassment and Coercion in College Students: Developmental, Individual, and Situational Determinants: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 18(10) Oct 2003, 1222-1239. Coercion may also serve as a form of justification in logical argument (see appeal to force). Sexual coercion and abuse among women with a severe mental illness in India: An exploratory investigation: Comprehensive Psychiatry Vol 44(3) May-Jun 2003, 205-212. The role of subjective group memberships and perceptions of power in industrial conflict: Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology Vol 11(5) Sep-Oct 2001, 389-393. As Roman jurists used to say, coactus volui, tamen volui (I willed under coercion, but still I willed). "isUnsiloEnabled": true, Review of The psychology of interrogations, confessions and testimony: Journal of Psychophysiology Vol 13(2) 1999, 126-127. Dumas, J. E., & LaFreniere, P. J. 'I'll help you boys as much as I can': How eagerness to please can result in a false confession: Journal of Forensic Psychiatry Vol 6(2) Sep 1995, 333-342. Schubert, T. W. (2004). His book Coercion won the Marshall McLuhan Award, and the Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity. The impact of peer relationships on aggression in childhood: Inhibition through coercion or promotion through peer support. and "Anger and aggression groups: Expanding the scope of college mental health provider services." Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Violence and coercion in Sri Lanka's commercial sex industry: Intersections of gender, sexuality, culture, and the law: Violence Against Women Vol 8(9) Sep 2002, 1044-1073. Sexual risk taking behaviors among Latinas: The influence of gender and culture. Sexual coercion among adolescent women seeking abortion in China: Journal of Adolescent Health Vol 31(6) Dec 2002, 482-486. Battjes, R. J., & Carswell, S. B. Beeble, M. L., Bybee, D., & Sullivan, C. M. (2007). : Journal of Behavioral Medicine Vol 18(6) Dec 1995, 549-568. A., Adams, H. E., & Davis, J. M. (1997). DeGue, S., & DiLillo, D. (2004). Via freedom to coercion: The emergence of costly punishment: Science Vol 316(5833) Jun 2007, 1905-1907. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. Reflections on Coercion in the Treatment of Severe Anorexia Nervosa: Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences Vol 43(3) 2006, 159-165. The role of coercive discipline, monitoring and activity level in explaining aggression in preschool boys. (undated), "Towards a Better Theory of Coercion, and a Use for It", The University of Chicago. Reference Johnson, M.P., and Kathleen J. Ferraro, "Research on Domestic Violence in the 1990s: Making Our coercive schools have become increasingly and evermore obviously harmful to kids. Vinocur de Fischbein, S. (1998). Narcissism, sexual refusal, and aggression: Testing a narcissistic reactance model of sexual coercion: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Vol 84(5) May 2003, 1027-1040. It might be from someone who has power over you, like a teacher, landlord, or a boss. Bonsack, C., & Borgeat, F. (2005). Desire to be in harmony with the group to the point of doubting oneself. Definitions of basic concepts of social exchange, The experimental instructions for the standardized setting, https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511570919.011, Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Review of Soteria: Through Madness to Deliverance: Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry: An International Journal of Critical Inquiry Vol 8(3) Fal-Win 2006, 265-267. Sorgaard, K. W. (2007). Patient perception of coercion on admission to acute psychiatric services: The New Zealand experience: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 22(2) Mar-Apr 1999, 143-153. Predictors of adult attitudes toward corporal punishment of children: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 22(10) Oct 2007, 1285-1304. Czarniawska, B. Coerced community treatment and psychiatric hospital recidivism. Yet, the purpose of coercion is to substitute ones aims to those of the victim. Review of Coercive control: The entrapment of women in personal life: Violence Against Women Vol 13(8) Aug 2007, 885-890. Economic coercion is when a controller of a vital resource uses his advantage to compel a person to do something he would not do if this resource were not monopolized. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of psychiatric patients coercively brought to hospitals: Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Vol 55(2) Apr 2001, 147-156. Coercion in psychiatric care--patients' and relatives' experiences from four Swedish psychiatric services: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Vol 58(2) Mar 2004, 153-159. Eating disorders and coercion: American Journal of Psychiatry Vol 164(1) Jan 2007, 9-11. Hartwick, C., Desmarais, S., & Hennig, K. (2007). Coercive versus consensual sex. Coercion: The link between treatment mechanisms in behavioral parent training and risk reduction in child antisocial behavior: Behavior Therapy Vol 33(3) Sum 2002, 339-359. 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The ethical standing of wider forms of supposedly altruistic specific coercion like political and thought coercion is however much more controversial, along lines relating to the assumed relationship between coercion and freedom, which is often regarded as an ethical value in itself. (2003). Chandra, P. S., Deepthivarma, S., Carey, M. P., Carey, K. B., & Shalinianant, M. P. (2003). Godfrey, J. P. (1993). Monahan, B. Lin, I. F. (2000). Day, A., Tucker, K., & Howells, K. (2004). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. Loring, M. T., & Beaudoin, P. (2001). Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Psychological Society. Men pressured and forced into sexual experience: Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol 23(1) Feb 1994, 93-114. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. The impact of mental health advance directives on patient perceptions of coercion in civil commitment and treatment decisions: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 25(6) Nov-Dec 2002, 537-555. (2004). Dick, P. (2005). Waking Rip van Winkle: Why Developments in the Last 20 Years Should Teach the Mental Health System Not to Use Housing as a Tool of Coercion: Behavioral Sciences & the Law Vol 21(4) 2003, 503-521. Outpatient commitment and coercion in New Zealand: A matched comparison study: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 29(2) Mar-Apr 2006, 145-158. Perceived coercion and treatment adherence in an outpatient commitment program: Psychiatric Services Vol 54(3) Mar 2003, 399-401. (2001). (2001). 06 July 2010. As a consequence, tests of the model, as well as its applications, tend to rely on an incompletely specified set of ideas. Social exchange theory proposes that social behavior is the result of an exchange process. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Battered women as coerced victim-perpetrators: Journal of Emotional Abuse Vol 2(1) 2001, 3-14. Experiences of coercion during investigation and treatment: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 28(6) Nov-Dec 2005, 613-621. (2006). The influence of emotion on rational decision making in sexual aggression: Journal of Criminal Justice Vol 30(2) Mar-Apr 2002, 121-134. is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings Shores, R. E., Gunter, P. L., & Jack, S. L. (1993). From conversation to construct: The development of legitimized aggression in the psychological domain. 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